Sunday, 15 May 2016

A-hole of the week

I normally am not a busy-body that goes around telling others how to behave, but I will make an exception or this.

I am currently visiting Calgary - sadly not on my motorbike - got here by plane and hired a car, I had business at the Calgary University Campus today, the subject of a future post. As I was about to leave the parking lot, I noticed this little guy panting in the car parked next to me.

The day was not wildly hot, but was sunny and cloudless and in the sun the interior of my rental car was hot enough to be quite uncomfortable even after the windows were wound down.

Now the drivers' side window and the passenger side window were open a crack, but even so it must have been getting really hot inside this car. I could not see if any water had been made available and as I said the little dog was panting. I could see from the pay-and-display ticket on the dash that the car had been there more than two hours.

I called campus security and waited until they arrived - I trust that they took the matter further and did not just leave the poor dog to it's fate. I want to give this message to whoever left that dog in that car - you are a fuck-wit and the winner of this week's Stupid Asshole of the Week award. Congrats.

 Asshole of the week... And the winner is....


  1. For goodness sake, you would think people have more common sense than that. They should be put into the same situation, and we'll see if they think again next time before being a complete arse.

  2. Some years ago, in an open roof-top car park in hot and humid Durban, I smashed open the back window of a parked car to free up a toddler who had been left alone. The parents wanted to lay charges against me, but the ensuing crowd......err......"persuaded" them that to do so might result in a few more damages to their vehicle!
