El Niño, in case you don’t know, is a band of warm ocean
water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific in a
cyclical pattern that effects weather patterns all over the world. In South
Africa where I grew up, El Niño meant drought and very hot summers, it still
does, and this year is one of the driest and hottest on record, I can believe
it, I felt it when I was visiting a few weeks ago. I believe that here in
Canada the strong El Niño contributed to the wet fall and so far mild winter,
and to a small, but gratefully received Christmas present for me. Yup, you
guessed it, I’m spending my Christmas afternoon riding the KLR instead of
sleeping off too much turkey. Thank you Jesus…in case you also didn’t know the
term El Niño refers to the Christ Child.
Since the Muskoka trip I have indeed not managed to do any
longish rides, but finished off the season with a few pleasant local rides… a
loop through Terra Nova, few times to Port Perry via Uxbridge, once around Lake
Simcoe, a few times to Musselman’s Lake near Stouffville and a loop or two
through Zephyr and Udora. All together I guess I have managed about 14,000 Km
this season, about half on the late and lamented Boulevard and half on the KLR.
The accident in the middle of the season sort of put a kybosh on my plans to do
a cross continent ride, so maybe that’s on the cards for next year, we shall
see how things turnout.
Near to Terra Nova - one of the last rides in the fall.
Anyway, just before leaving for South Africa for the brief
visit, I decided to winterize the bikes in the reasonable expectation of icy
cold weather laced with snow and the occasional ice rain storm. Previously Helena and I had stored our bikes
at Barrie Harley Davidson, but this year we decided on a DIY job and save us
the $600. There is more to the decision than a bit of Scots canniness, it goes
with my decision to take personal control over at least the basics of the
maintenance. A few moments with Google and I knew what the procedure was, and a
trip up to Royal Distributors to buy a few bits and bobs and I was ready. I
gave the KLR a full service, including oil change, new oil filter, spark change
and doohickey reset and Helena’s Harley got a similar treatment. Filled up gas
and added fuel stabilizer, cleaned both bikes, oiled the KLR chain, wiped all
exposed metal parts with a clean oily rag, hooked up drip charges to the
batteries and put dust covers over the bikes. To keep them warm I put the bikes
on rubber mats and switched on the cheap electric oil radiator, I’d purchased
from Walmart, to a low heat setting.
I felt ready for the cold that quite frankly hasn’t yet
descended. Sure we have had a few days of sub-zero temperature, Fairy Lake (the
little artificial lake that is the center piece of the park close to my home)
has achieved a skin of ice for the odd few days and there has been a dusting of
snow a couple of times, but honestly there has been nothing to write home
about. Even the Canada geese are still hanging around, they really should have
deserted us by now. Not that I am complaining, the Canadian winter is not the
prime reason I live here, but it is odd that it has so far been largely absent,
worrying a bit actually. I know that this is an El Niño effect, but I am sure
that the effect is magnified by the worsening global climate change. Last week
I saw a video of a lake that slid over a cliff, I kid you not, the lake slid
down a hill and disintegrated over a cliff, this was somewhere in northern
Canada where the permafrost has recently become a little less permanent and so
trees topple over and lakes fall over cliffs.
I don’t need any more convincing that our species is driving the mother
of all extinction events on this planet, and our species won’t survive that. I
don’t think that we should abandon efforts to prevent the cataclysm, but I
harbor a strong doubt that we can stop it. Our problem is that there are just
too many people and too much greed and I am as bad as the next guy. I have
begun to think that this planet will be so much better off when the last human
has breathed its last breath.
That all said, it’s Christmas day and it’s 8 degrees
centigrade and almost wind still, so I have pulled the cover off the KLR,
unhooked the battery charger, double socked, put on the Kevlar jeans, mesh
jacket scarf, bright green wind resistant rain gear, boots and so on. The sausage dogs look at me in wonder and
doubt, nothing would lodge them from the sensible thing they are doing ‘ballasbak’
in front of the fire. ‘Ballasbak’ means baking your balls, or taking it easy,
not that they actually have balls after a visit to the vet a few years back.
![]() |
Ballasbak |
From Schomberg I go north, following dirt roads in the
general direction of Cookstown. I am contemplating going through the forest
area around Terra Nova, but I notice that the temperature is dropping quite
noticeably the further north I go. Just past Cookstown I chicken out and decide
to go south again, I aim for Beeton via dirt roads. Beeton is a repeat of all
the other villages, dead as a doornail, I turn west again, Loretto then Hockley
Village. Now that I’m on a well-travelled motorcycle route it is evident that
I’m not the only dude taking advantage of the day, not nearly as many bikes out
on this road as you will see in summer, but a lot more than I would have
thought for a winter day, we do the wave rather more enthusiastically than
normal, it’s a ‘what the fuck we are actually riding today’ sort of wave.
Green Christmas
Long eerie shadows, just past noon
This, as I have said before, is a terrific road to ride and
the watery sunlight, relative cold and general bleakness of the scenery takes
nothing from the pleasure of carving through those bends. By the time I get to
Orangeville it is almost 4.p.m and the sun is seriously low, shining right into
my eyes, and the temperature is falling fast. I have started to lose feeling in
my fingers and toes, toes isn’t an issue, but I’m worried about the fingers, I
still need to use them to get home, the case for heated grips or gloves is made
abundantly clear. I turn around and head home the way I came, weaving through
Hockley Valley Road, now with the setting sun at my back. At Highway 10,
Airport Road, I decide to go south to Highway 9 to get home quicker, but end up
unable to resist a small detour along Coolihans Side Road, if ever I manage to
buy that small holding this is where I would like to buy. Back on Highway 9 I
ride like the demons of hell are just behind me, which in a sense they actually
are, assholes in large pick-up trucks that drive like the road belongs to them.
I’m home before dark, but it takes a painful half hour for the fingers and toes
to thaw.
Tomorrow I’ll re-winterize the KLR, I suspect that this was
the last ride of 2015. No doubt the Canadian winter will arrive soon and we’ll
be having to cope with a few feet of snow. This is the last post for the year, and I may not post again until the spring.